Who We Are: We are a small team of legal professionals including one supervising attorney, two paralegals, and law clerks. Our individual and general contact information is below.

What We Offer: We provide full service legal representation, unbundled services, and contract legal services for individuals, businesses, government agencies, and non-profits in the areas of: criminal and civil appeals, post-conviction relief actions, criminal and civil trials, legislative drafting, mediation, legal research, and general legal drafting.

Where Do We Practice: We offer services throughout Alaska and our office is in Anchorage.

How Long Have We Been Practicing: Alaska Legal Drafting, LLC opened in 2019. The bulk of our work at the outset was contracts with government agencies to be public counsel and contracting with other law firms for legal writing in criminal, civil, and appellate cases. Since 2020 we have offered full service representation in domestic relations cases.

Megan Rowe, the supervising attorney, has been practicing in Alaska since 2015 and has experience with trial-level criminal representation, legislative drafting, criminal and civil appeals, landlord-tenant law, small business law, child-in-need-of-aid cases, and divorce/custody cases.


General Inquiries - Inbox@aklegaldrafting.com

Megan Rowe (Supervising Attorney) - Megan@aklegaldrafting.com

Brennan Wells, JD (Senior Law Clerk) - Brennan@aklegaldrafting.com

Grayce Page (Paralegal)- Grayce@aklegaldrafting.com

Billing - Billing@aklegaldrafting.com